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Tag Archives: Writer’s Tribe

A Works-in-Progress Update

Tweet WHAT?! NO WILAWriTWE?!? That’s right, my dear inklings. Today, I shall give you a work(s)-in-progress update, which, if my calculations search functions are correct, I have not done since February. Fortunately for us all, a WsIP update also qualifies as a WILAWriTWe, because part of learning about writing includes all the doings of The […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from My Writer’s Tribe, Redux

Two days ago, seven Consortium writers gathered in Aaron’s living room to roundtable edit each other’s short story submissions for the upcoming Consortium Worlds, Vol. 1 e-zine. I probably don’t have to tell you how apprehensive I was, going into that meeting…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from The Consortium

Aaron’s new release and my final draft completion have me thinking airy thoughts about publication and book sales and promotion and what-hast-thou. Accordingly, I’ve been keeping an eye on our sales numbers…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Becca J. Campbell

What happens to a creative when she’s not creating? She either wilts, or she gets restlessly itchy… .

What I Learned about Writing This Week…from WILAWritWe

I’ve learned that I glean inspiration from about a kajillion more sources than I ever thought I did. To celebrate this cramazing realization, I shall now share with you a list (with headings, sha-ZAM!) of WILAWriTWe inspirations.

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Dean Koontz, Redux

Tweet I love my job. Have I mentioned that? Well, let me mention it here and now: I love my job. I get to write, I get to read what my Writers Tribe writes, and I get to read all sorts of books in all sorts of genres. It’s exactly the job for me, and […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from My Writers Tribe

When we writers mention “social writing,” what we think we mean is getting together to encourage each other and spend several hours working on our projects in the same location, one which most likely involves food and copious amounts of coffee. But “social writing” consists of far more than that…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Twitter

I follow several writers on Twitter, and because I’m a fiend for collecting quotes, I’ve discovered Twitter’s a source for oodles and gobs of great writing material. I would be remiss in my responsibilities if I didn’t share some of that goboodled wealth with my precious inklings! So here ya go…

NaNoWriMo Update, Conclusion

I just finished a jolly good, pell-pell, crazed romp through November, wot wot. Somehow, I’ve emerged victorious from the jumble of letter, words, strikethroughs, wordcounts, agonized screams, cups of too-strong coffee, and zombie-induced mayhem. NaNoWriMo 2010 is over…