As I prepare to launch my site’s first product, How to Build an e-Book, I wanted to let my regular readers know what to expect in the coming week.
This Creative Writing Exercise calls you to improve your blog: Write your About page to start building your platform. Sell yourself, get started with Wordpress.
Tweet It’s been nearly three months since I told you that you should start a blog to become a better writer. My attitude hasn’t changed a whit, but my advice has. You see, when I was…let’s say twelve, I decided I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I liked writing well enough, […]
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Alan Alda said, “Laugh at yourself, but don’t ever aim your doubt at yourself.” Humor is a writer’s best friend. We need to laugh, because the action of laughing pulls the lid off that well of creativity, giving us access to our most important and abundant resource. Yes, we need to take our craft seriously…but we need to learn not to take ourselves too seriously…
The economy of the ’90s is already obsolete, outsourced, and we find ourselves once again with an abundance of free time. What are we filling it with? Words.
This Technical Writing Exercise calls for paragraph styles: Learn how to style paragraphs and headings in Word or Google Docs using our custom worksheet.
The Week in Words is a weekly roundup of my active projects, review of the site’s activity, and links to interesting writing articles that caught my attention.
This Creative Writing Exercise calls you to christen a scribblebook: Fill a full page with gibberish, and free yourself from the need for perfect first drafts.
There are incredible benefits to writing a novel by hand, including easier and better first drafts, and a more powerful reader experience. Get a scribblebook.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The adventure is the effect; your readers want to know the cause. They will find that cause not within the events of the story, but within the characters themselves.
Why does Alice follow that rabbit in the first place? Why does Oliver have the gumption to ask for more? Why does Edmond keep scraping away at that wall…?