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Monthly Archives: April 2011

On the Business of Writing: Stockholm Syndrome

Tweet This week I’m talking about a series of lectures my Professional Writing professor taught on getting started in traditional publishing. In yesterday’s article I talked about the hard work and the patience that has to go into making a career out of writing (even after you’ve put in the hard work and patience to […]

On the Business of Writing: Breaking In

Tweet One of the more interesting parts of my professor’s lectures on the business of writing this week was what she called “career building.” She started with a hypothetical first book, and worked it through a new writer’s burgeoning career. That’s the sort of long-term financial projection Konrath likes to work through from time to […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Writing Horribly

Having no idea whatsoever how long it might take to rewrite Legend’s Heir (working title), and needing a writing project other than blogging (so that I wouldn’t go crazy), I sat down this past weekend and started rewriting what I am now referring to as The Monster Epic Fantasy Novel (MEFaN) — thereby proving that I have gone crazy.

On the Business of Writing: Alternatives

Tweet I’ve talked before about Deborah Chester, the core professor of my Master of Professional Writing program at the University of Oklahoma. She’s a phenomenal teacher, and she consistently displays a deep understanding of the process of writing commercial fiction. That’s a skill worth having, believe me. She also teaches several classes on the undergrad […]

On Kindle Publishing: Building Your Brand

Tweet Today I’d like to wrap up my introduction to Kindle publishing. I’ve spent the last several weeks describing the kind of remarkable success indie authors can find self-publishing on Kindle, and why that success is suddenly possible. The key to it, as I explained yesterday, is the emergence of the global information network. As […]

On Kindle Publishing: The Role of the Global Information Network

Tweet On Tuesday I interrupted a three-week introduction to the Kindle publishing phenomenon for a case study near and dear to our hearts: Courtney Cantrell’s Kindle publishing success story. Now, admittedly she’s no Hocking yet. She’s a success regardless. She has already sold well beyond her immediate circle of friends and family, and even out […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Taking A Break

Tweet Greetings, my dearest inklings! I come to you today, having officially launched my novel Colors of Deception into the great wide world — and having fried my brain in the process. The result of said frying is that I have no WILAWriTWe to share with you today. Aaron doesn’t know this yet, so I […]

On Kindle Publishing: Courtney’s Tweetlings

Tweet Tonight is the official launch party for our own Courtney Cantrell’s Colors of Deception. If you’re in the Oklahoma City area, come join us at Vintage Timeless Coffee to celebrate her success. And, remarkably, it’s already success. Even though the launch party is tonight, the book has been officially “launched” for a week now. […]

On Kindle Publishing: Credibility (2 of 2)

Tweet This week I’m continuing my series on Kindle publishing with a look at the credibility issues associated with self-publishing. Yesterday I talked about the perspectives of publishers (who hate it, with dollar signs in their eyes) and readers (who really don’t care where a book comes from, as long as it looks and reads […]

On Kindle Publishing: Credibility (1 of 2)

Tweet Last week I started this series on Kindle publishing with a look at some of its biggest players (Konrath, Hocking, and Eisler), and then spent a while discussing the technological changes that have made this publishing revolution possible. But even with the technological shift well and firmly established, there’s another shift that has to […]