Wednesday, April 13, 2011
That darkness inside me…dare I call it simple humannness? Isn’t it nothing more than the gritty frailty within every human heart? If each of us were honest with ourselves, wouldn’t we admit that we all harbor a streak of that inner moonlight? Don’t we all harbor a streak of madness?
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Allen Ginsberg, Courage, Culture, Darkness, Fear, Madness, Moonlight, Religion, The Human Condition, Truth, WILAWriTWe
Tweet In the midst of all this talk about the Kindle publishing explosion, I get to take a break to provide one more case study. She’s no Konrath or Eisler or Hocking (yet), but our own Courtney Cantrell has become a part of the phenomenon. Or perhaps I should say we’ve made her a part […]
Tweet Yesterday’s post introduced three major case studies in Kindle publishing. Each of them came from a different background, and each approached (or is now approaching) Kindle publishing for different reasons. Measuring a Writer’s Success The largest thing the three share in common is success. All three have reached a lot of new readers though Kindle […]
Tweet I started the week with a brief introduction to a long series on Kindle publishing. I finished that introduction with the promise of some case studies. If you’re at all familiar with Kindle publishing or the indie publishing “scene” that’s developing even as we speak, you probably could have guessed at least two of […]
When Aaron first approached me about painting the cover for his fantasy novel Taming Fire, I was skeptical. “I paint for fun,” I explained. “I’ve never undertaken a painting project so ambitious…”
Tweet In January of 2011, I started taking a class called “Readings in Mass Communication” in pursuit of my Master of Professional Writing degree at the University of Oklahoma. It’s an interdisciplinary theory course that combines lectures and select readings in the academic literature to explore the changing role of mass communication in society, its […]
Tweet In yesterday’s article I introduced the concept of sequels in classical scene structure. They act as a kind of transition, a moment of reflection, and (as I said at the end) they provide your protagonist with a critical opportunity to shine. I described the sequel as a progression: It starts with an emotional reaction […]