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Tag Archives: CreateSpace

On Self-Publishing: How to Start

Tweet Last week I started a series on self-publishing with a little bit of advice on where to start. It was primarily a list of links to the major digital distributors. I also promised to follow up with a post on how to start. The inspiration for that one came from an email my sister […]

On Kindle Publishing: Technology

Tweet Yesterday’s post introduced three major case studies in Kindle publishing. Each of them came from a different background, and each approached (or is now approaching) Kindle publishing for different reasons. Measuring a Writer’s Success The largest thing the three share in common is success. All three have reached a lot of new readers though Kindle […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Published

Two days ago, Becca and I made a trip to the salt plains of Oklahoma to scout out likely locations for my cover art photoshoot.
It was an adventure, and we found some likely spots, but I won’t regale you with that tale. Right now, the adventure is beside the point. The point, my dear inklings, is that now my worries have set in…

On Self-Publishing: E-Books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing

Tweet I’ve spent a couple weeks now talking about self-publishing. This week I promised to talk about my actual experiences with the process, and so I started that yesterday with a little bit of a grumpy glimpse into CreateSpace’s print-on-demand operation. I still use CreateSpace, though, and I still recommend it. You should go in […]