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Tag Archives: Consortium Books

Book Reviewers Wanted!

Tweet I’ve posted recently concerning the importance of fans in the success of a new writer’s career. More specifically, I gave a laundry list of ways to support your favorite writer. Near the top of the list (and repeated more than once before the list was done) is the simple act of recommending the book […]

Five Ways to Support Your Favorite Writer

I’ve found self-publishing success without spending a dime on any kind of advertising. I’ve done it with a good story, some good sales copy…and good friends. This is a brief overview of the many ways my fans have contributed to my success.

On Self-Publishing: How to Start

Tweet Last week I started a series on self-publishing with a little bit of advice on where to start. It was primarily a list of links to the major digital distributors. I also promised to follow up with a post on how to start. The inspiration for that one came from an email my sister […]

On Self-Publishing: Where to Start

Tweet This post (or series) has been a long time coming. I’ve been talking for a while about the benefits of self-publishing, and I’ve spent the last several months bragging about my successes in the field. As a result, I’ve heard interest from a lot of you in doing it yourselves. I’ve gone through the […]

Self-Publishing Success

Tweet Last week I talked about what a successful self-published author I’ve become. I followed that up with a description of the strange stumbling block I’ve placed in my own path. I suspect some of you would be a lot more interested in knowing how I found that success in the first place. That’s not […]

The Sales Pitch

Tweet On Tuesday I wasted some of your time bragging about how great I am. Right or wrong, I thought it would make a good foundation. Now I’ll try to make it worth your while. This is what I really wanted to write about anyway. Shoulders to Stand On There’s another foundational point I should […]

The Agents

Tweet I’m a hot commodity these days. No, really. Little ol’ me. You already know my books are selling well, but it gets bigger than that. Piper Back in January I received an email out of the blue. It came via the contact form here, and showed up in my Gmail. After some minor pleasantries, […]

A Writing Challenge

Tweet This blog post is coming to you extremely late. I’d have skipped it altogether, but I left you hanging last Tuesday and I really need to finish laying this foundation, because tomorrow we’re going to build on it. For what it’s worth: I’ve got a great excuse. I’ve just been so busy with the […]

A Writing Coach

Tweet I wear a lot of hats. Metaphorically speaking. I’m a Technical Writer and a grad student. I’m a publisher and a husband and a father. I’m a CEO and an Executive Director and a President. I’m a programmer and a web developer and a blogger. And I’m a bestselling novelist. That never gets old. […]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Tweet It seems I owe you an apology. I’ve been absent. I could offer the frantic bustle of the holiday season as my defense, but that’s not really it. Honestly…I didn’t realize I had let the blog lapse. I’ve been conscientiously working to improve my presence on social media in general (primarily through Twitter and […]