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Tag Archives: Copyright

My Books and the Public Domain

Tweet I’ve been kinda silent here for a while, mainly because I’ve been so busy finishing up my Master’s degree and then planning a KickStarter campaign to change the world. Is this the first time I’ve mentioned the KickStarter campaign around here? Well, hang on to something, because I’m about to blow your mind. You […]

The Agents

Tweet I’m a hot commodity these days. No, really. Little ol’ me. You already know my books are selling well, but it gets bigger than that. Piper Back in January I received an email out of the blue. It came via the contact form here, and showed up in my Gmail. After some minor pleasantries, […]

On Art: How to Join the Consortium

Tweet So there you have it. The Consortium, in all its glory. It took me a month of posts to make the case for it (and right at my 800-word limit just to share the executive summary of my business plan yesterday), but I hope among them all you’ve got a pretty good idea what […]

On Art: The Academy of the Arts

Tweet I’ve said several times that I started writing when I was twelve. While I was in eighth grade I finished a first novel, The Scorekeeper, which is tragically lost to the sands of time. My next effort, though, is preserved in all its emo glory. The Poet Alexander is basically the 180,000-word story of […]

What I Learned about Writing this Week…from Dean Koontz and Kevin J. Anderson

Tweet That title might be slightly misleading.  Mr. Koontz’s and Mr. Anderson’s writing is, indeed, the foundation upon which this particular article rests.  But there are several additional authors whose works would make great building blocks for the ideas I’ll endeavor to convey to you today. I’ll mention some of them later.  But Dean Koontz’s […]

On Copyright: How to Protect Your (C) (and Why You Shouldn’t)

Tweet This week we’re talking about getting paid for your writing, and yesterday I mentioned that copyright was originally created to promote creative expression — that basically the government established an artificial monopoly to an intangible good, and they back it up with (legal) force. They earnestly believed a system like that would encourage young […]

On Copyright: How Copyright Works

Tweet Yesterday I talked a little bit about how I got paid to write — both the method that paid me $200 to do something fun, and the method that has paid me…well, considerably more to do something tedious and practical. And, really, that’s the issue. It’s easy for my bosses to evaluate the value of my […]

On Copyright: Eschaton

Tweet I’ve already told the sad story of how I graduated, gave up on my dream, and took a day job. I’ve also since admitted that it wasn’t really all that bad, thanks to some dedicated friends — including one who came to Tulsa to work with me. That was Toby, and before he came […]