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Monthly Archives: October 2011

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Dreams, Redux

I’ve had another confirmation that all of my conclusions about my dreams are true.

A Consortium of Worlds

Tweet I posted yesterday to complain about how busy I was. It’ll probably take me weeks to show up and post again, but in the meantime I wanted to brag about a couple of those projects that did get finished: A Consortium of Worlds A Consortium of Worlds is the new quarterly speculative-fiction short story […]

Work in Progress

Tweet This morning I found time to make a Twitter post. That statement really ought to sound absurd. A Twitter post is barely a sentence. But I’ve made that one of my personal goals lately (“Make more Twitter posts”), and I’ve consistently failed at it. Maybe this morning’s Twitter post will shed some light on […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Being Irritable

Tweet If there’s one thing I’ve learned from a myriad of sources over the past ten years, it’s that I should never ignore myself when I feel irritable. I am not a person easily given to irritation. It takes a lot to push my buttons. Injustice is pretty much the only thing that can get […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Kindle All-Stars

Tweet So. Thanks to Josh and a rollicking romp of insanity, I somehow got myself involved with the Kindle All-Stars Project. In short, KAS is the brainchild of one Bernard J. Schaffer, who is putting together a short story anthology for Kindle of various independent authors. The proceeds of the anthology will go to the […]

Taming Fire Sales Charts (2 of 2)

Tweet Lately I’ve been talking the hard numbers of indie publishing. I shared a sales chart last week showing the rise and fall of my bestselling fantasy novel Taming Fire and discussing some of the factors that drove those trends. Then on Tuesday I took a little pause to tell you about my charitable publishing […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Published, Redux

You want to write a novel? Here is the only way you’ll get what you want….

The Consortium Public Works Book Contract

Tweet Over the last two weeks I’ve pulled aside the curtain and given you a peek into the nuts and bolts of my nascent publishing empire. I know it’s considered uncouth to talk about money. (Sometimes it’s considered dangerous, too, especially to talk about it on the internet.) But I also know where that particular […]