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Tag Archives: Short Stories

Advanced Fiction Writing (Part II of II)

Tweet On Tuesday I shared some insights from a short story class I took last semester. I talked about one line of characterization, and how it completely mischaracterized my character in the exercise’s context. I said the single line got at the heart of what I learned, but in the end it was a really […]

Advanced Fiction Writing (Part I of II)

Tweet Last semester I took a class at OU called “Advanced Fiction Writing.” It’s one course in the midst of an entire Master’s degree that features only two classes not associated with advanced fiction writing, but that’s beside the point. “Advanced Fiction Writing” is an English class. The rest of my Master’s work has taken […]

Notes from a Thief

Tweet I’ve told the story before, but back when I was 22, just as I was graduating with a writing degree and heading out into the real world, I had a bad experience that left me with a startling insight: Fantasy is dumb. That concept rocked my world. I’d spent my whole life devouring fantasy […]

The Trial of the ARCs

Tweet As of yesterday afternoon, all the Advance Reading Copies of The Dragonswarm have been sent. Thanks to everyone who requested one! I can’t wait to get your feedback. Encouraging Comments I’ve already heard from one satisfied customer. He must have read the book straight-through from the moment he received his email, because before I […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Being Irritable

Tweet If there’s one thing I’ve learned from a myriad of sources over the past ten years, it’s that I should never ignore myself when I feel irritable. I am not a person easily given to irritation. It takes a lot to push my buttons. Injustice is pretty much the only thing that can get […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Kindle All-Stars

Tweet So. Thanks to Josh and a rollicking romp of insanity, I somehow got myself involved with the Kindle All-Stars Project. In short, KAS is the brainchild of one Bernard J. Schaffer, who is putting together a short story anthology for Kindle of various independent authors. The proceeds of the anthology will go to the […]

A Works-in-Progress Update

Tweet WHAT?! NO WILAWriTWE?!? That’s right, my dear inklings. Today, I shall give you a work(s)-in-progress update, which, if my calculations search functions are correct, I have not done since February. Fortunately for us all, a WsIP update also qualifies as a WILAWriTWe, because part of learning about writing includes all the doings of The […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from My Writer’s Tribe, Redux

Two days ago, seven Consortium writers gathered in Aaron’s living room to roundtable edit each other’s short story submissions for the upcoming Consortium Worlds, Vol. 1 e-zine. I probably don’t have to tell you how apprehensive I was, going into that meeting…

On Scheduling: Fall 2011

Tweet As you’re well aware, I’m halfway through my pursuit of a Master of Professional Writing degree at the University of Oklahoma. My classes start tomorrow. But I was on campus yesterday running hither and yon, signing up for tutorial time with the chair of my graduate committee, applying for a two-hundred-dollar parking pass, and […]