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Tag Archives: Beta readers

Kill Your Darlings: The Alpha and Omega of Stephen King

So, when I was pondering which part of Stephen King’s On Writing to share with you today, for some reason my brain said, “FIRST! LAST! PAGING THROUGH BOOK TO FIND UNDERLINED THINGS!” And I said, “Huh?” My brain just rolled its eyes at me. But then it explained….

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Kindle All-Stars

Tweet So. Thanks to Josh and a rollicking romp of insanity, I somehow got myself involved with the Kindle All-Stars Project. In short, KAS is the brainchild of one Bernard J. Schaffer, who is putting together a short story anthology for Kindle of various independent authors. The proceeds of the anthology will go to the […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Perfectionism

There are some things about which I cannot be perfectionist. Not because I don’t want to be. But because I simply can’t. The situation is so far beyond my control, there is no possibility at all of my getting my perfectionist way about it. One of these things is my hair…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Whining, Wherefores, and Whatnots

Two days ago, I sat with Becca in Aaron’s living room and bewailed to them the fact that I hadn’t yet decided on a topic for this week’s WILAWriTWe. Two days later, dear inklings, I must admit to you: I still got nothin’. But I showed up to write, anyway…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Edited

Tweet Ohhhh, my dear inklings. I did a scary, scary thing. I let go of my baby, my precious, my sweet toddling kiddo. I sent my tender little one out into the world, went back into the comfort of my home, and closed the door. And then, I sat back and waited in agony. What […]