So, when I was pondering which part of Stephen King’s On Writing to share with you today, for some reason my brain said, “FIRST! LAST! PAGING THROUGH BOOK TO FIND UNDERLINED THINGS!” And I said, “Huh?” My brain just rolled its eyes at me. But then it explained….
Tweet Hi! It’s your editor again. Remember me? I’m the one that makes sure your book is actually ready to be read by your adoring fans. If you’re confused about what an editor actually does, that might be because we do so many different things. Technically, everything we do is editing, but there’s a lot […]
Monday, February 25, 2013
Tweet Welcome, dearest writers and readers, to my first feature post! This week we’re on about prologues. Should we have them? Or should we cast them upon the cleansing fires of editing and rewrites, never allowing them to mar another of our manuscripts again? The Problem with Prologues Rumor has it that your editor (you […]
Friday, February 22, 2013
Tweet Two weeks ago I introduced myself and explained that I’m the editor for Consortium Books. In the world of self-publishing, editors are more important than ever to add credibility to your work. Why? Let me tell you. Unless you’re publishing your book to hold it in your hands, hug it, and then put in on a […]
Tweet Good morning, readers and writers! I’m Jessie Sanders. You may have heard of me. No? Well, that’s probably becuase I’m the editor. I’ve been editing my own work since I was a teenager. I come from a family of perfectionists and English majors, so I would often craft a few pages of a story […]
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tweet My name is Thomas Beard, and I know writing. See that up there? That’s my thesis statement. In the next 478 words, I’m going to develop it, flesh it out, then restate it in my conclusion. Then do you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to reread it. At least three times. […]
Tweet Last week I started a series on self-publishing with a little bit of advice on where to start. It was primarily a list of links to the major digital distributors. I also promised to follow up with a post on how to start. The inspiration for that one came from an email my sister […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Amazon, Consortium Books, CreateSpace, Feedback, Heather Sutherlin, KDP, Kindle Publishing, PubIt!, Publication, Tips and Tricks, Writing Software
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tweet I’m a huge fan of GMail. Have I ever mentioned that before? I know I’ve talked about Google Docs, and you can probably take it for granted that anyone who raves about Google Docs appreciates the company’s email service, too. Still. I’m a huge fan of GMail. I never delete anything. Everything goes in […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Consortium Books, Courtney Cantrell, Creative Writing, Drafts, Jessie Sanders, Joshua Unruh, Master of Professional Writing, NaNoWriMo, Publication, Revising, Rewriting, Storytelling, Taming Fire
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tweet WHAT?! NO WILAWriTWE?!? That’s right, my dear inklings. Today, I shall give you a work(s)-in-progress update, which, if my calculations search functions are correct, I have not done since February. Fortunately for us all, a WsIP update also qualifies as a WILAWriTWe, because part of learning about writing includes all the doings of The […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged A Consortium of Worlds, Aaron Pogue, Consortium Books, Cover art, E-magazine, Jessie Sanders, Shadows After Midnight, Short Stories, The Consortium, The Dragonswarm, The Writing Business, The Writing Life, WILAWriTWe, Writer's Tribe
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Two days ago, seven Consortium writers gathered in Aaron’s living room to roundtable edit each other’s short story submissions for the upcoming Consortium Worlds, Vol. 1 e-zine. I probably don’t have to tell you how apprehensive I was, going into that meeting…
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Aaron Pogue, Abbott and Costello, Bailey Thomas, Becca J. Campbell, Consortium Books, Consortium Time, Creative Writing, Feedback, Firefly, Jessie Sanders, Joshua Unruh, Roundtable, Short Stories, Thomas Beard, WILAWriTWe, Writer's Tribe