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Tag Archives: Feedback

How to Write a Helpful Book Review

Here’s the whole guide: Tell the world what you enjoyed about reading this book.

Book Reviewers Wanted!

Tweet I’ve posted recently concerning the importance of fans in the success of a new writer’s career. More specifically, I gave a laundry list of ways to support your favorite writer. Near the top of the list (and repeated more than once before the list was done) is the simple act of recommending the book […]

Five Ways to Support Your Favorite Writer

I’ve found self-publishing success without spending a dime on any kind of advertising. I’ve done it with a good story, some good sales copy…and good friends. This is a brief overview of the many ways my fans have contributed to my success.

On Self-Publishing: How to Start

Tweet Last week I started a series on self-publishing with a little bit of advice on where to start. It was primarily a list of links to the major digital distributors. I also promised to follow up with a post on how to start. The inspiration for that one came from an email my sister […]

The Sales Pitch

Tweet On Tuesday I wasted some of your time bragging about how great I am. Right or wrong, I thought it would make a good foundation. Now I’ll try to make it worth your while. This is what I really wanted to write about anyway. Shoulders to Stand On There’s another foundational point I should […]

Advanced Fiction Writing (Part II of II)

Tweet On Tuesday I shared some insights from a short story class I took last semester. I talked about one line of characterization, and how it completely mischaracterized my character in the exercise’s context. I said the single line got at the heart of what I learned, but in the end it was a really […]

Advanced Fiction Writing (Part I of II)

Tweet Last semester I took a class at OU called “Advanced Fiction Writing.” It’s one course in the midst of an entire Master’s degree that features only two classes not associated with advanced fiction writing, but that’s beside the point. “Advanced Fiction Writing” is an English class. The rest of my Master’s work has taken […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Kindle All-Stars

Tweet So. Thanks to Josh and a rollicking romp of insanity, I somehow got myself involved with the Kindle All-Stars Project. In short, KAS is the brainchild of one Bernard J. Schaffer, who is putting together a short story anthology for Kindle of various independent authors. The proceeds of the anthology will go to the […]

Sex Scenes

Tweet I’m taking a short story class out at OU this fall. It’s the one I mentioned in the English department, where the professor claimed fantasy and science fiction stories don’t feature complex, compelling characters. Bah. That still makes me angry. I’m going to get myself in trouble in that class if I’m not careful. […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from My Writer’s Tribe, Redux

Two days ago, seven Consortium writers gathered in Aaron’s living room to roundtable edit each other’s short story submissions for the upcoming Consortium Worlds, Vol. 1 e-zine. I probably don’t have to tell you how apprehensive I was, going into that meeting…