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Tag Archives: Facebook

Five Ways to Support Your Favorite Writer

I’ve found self-publishing success without spending a dime on any kind of advertising. I’ve done it with a good story, some good sales copy…and good friends. This is a brief overview of the many ways my fans have contributed to my success.

On Kindle Publishing: Building Your Brand

Tweet Today I’d like to wrap up my introduction to Kindle publishing. I’ve spent the last several weeks describing the kind of remarkable success indie authors can find self-publishing on Kindle, and why that success is suddenly possible. The key to it, as I explained yesterday, is the emergence of the global information network. As […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Starting A New Blog

Many moons ago — before Facebook became open to the general public, when “twitterpated” was still a Bambi and not a social networking reference, and before YouTube made movie stars out of all of us — I started a blog. I don’t remember why I did it. I plunged into writing my first post without giving it any real thought before I started. I hadn’t the foggiest idea what I was doing…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from the Dark Stuff

I’m not afraid of the Dark. But this past Sunday, I got to a point in the story where I knew the Dark Stuff was coming. I looked at my computer screen, watched the cursor blink at me a few times, and said aloud, “I don’t want to write this.” I closed the file and walked away. I was in dire need of rescue…