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Tag Archives: Dean Koontz

Backstory: A Case Study (Koontz)

Tweet Last week I introduced the Biographical Priority Index. It’s the handy-dandy system we can use to rate elements of a character’s backstory based on whether and when to introduce them. Priority 1 information is stuff we need to introduce as soon as practical (note that says practical, not possible; it’s awkward if you force information into […]

A Matter of Perspective

Tweet We need to have the talk. It’s time for us to define the relationship between your readers and your characters. I’m talking about point of view. Who gets point of view in your story, and how, is an important decision that you shouldn’t take lightly. For the purposes of time, I have to assume […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Dean Koontz. Again.

Tweet This week’s WILAWriTWe is brought to you by my bookshelf that broke during the move. Some poor soul had leaned it up against the side of the truck, that it might be loaded thereonto — when lo! behold! a gust of wind blew the bookshelf over, smashing it into smithereens upon the pavement! Okay, […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Dean Koontz, Redux

Tweet I love my job. Have I mentioned that? Well, let me mention it here and now: I love my job. I get to write, I get to read what my Writers Tribe writes, and I get to read all sorts of books in all sorts of genres. It’s exactly the job for me, and […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Zombies

Zombie stories aren’t about scary grossness — they’re about characters. The survivors and how they overcome or succumb to hardship: that is what zombie stories are about. And that, gentle readers, is what each of our stories should be about, no matter what our chosen genre…

What I Learned about Writing this Week…from Dean Koontz and Kevin J. Anderson

Tweet That title might be slightly misleading.  Mr. Koontz’s and Mr. Anderson’s writing is, indeed, the foundation upon which this particular article rests.  But there are several additional authors whose works would make great building blocks for the ideas I’ll endeavor to convey to you today. I’ll mention some of them later.  But Dean Koontz’s […]