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Tag Archives: Weird Western

Choosing Your Categories

Tweet We spent the week discussing the role categories play in your books’ success–from the initial story design through cover design and promotion. I’d like to wrap that up with a brief discussion of where the categories fit in your publishing plans. As Joshua pointed out on Thursday, the official category list provided by BISAC […]

A Writing Challenge

Tweet This blog post is coming to you extremely late. I’d have skipped it altogether, but I left you hanging last Tuesday and I really need to finish laying this foundation, because tomorrow we’re going to build on it. For what it’s worth: I’ve got a great excuse. I’ve just been so busy with the […]

A Writing Coach

Tweet I wear a lot of hats. Metaphorically speaking. I’m a Technical Writer and a grad student. I’m a publisher and a husband and a father. I’m a CEO and an Executive Director and a President. I’m a programmer and a web developer and a blogger. And I’m a bestselling novelist. That never gets old. […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from My Writers Tribe

When we writers mention “social writing,” what we think we mean is getting together to encourage each other and spend several hours working on our projects in the same location, one which most likely involves food and copious amounts of coffee. But “social writing” consists of far more than that…