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Tag Archives: Creative Writing

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Published, Redux

You want to write a novel? Here is the only way you’ll get what you want….

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from 42

If you’ve been paying attention, dear inklings (and I know you have, because that’s just the sort of darling, attentive things you are), you already know that I harbor a love for all things sci-fi, and that this love includes a deep fondness for Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy….

Sex and Violence

Tweet I started the week talking about my short story class, and some of the challenges that come with providing feedback to our peers. The worst of it was talking about a sex scene buried in one of the many stories we’ve read so far. And, mostly, it was a whole lot of worrying over […]

Sex Scenes

Tweet I’m taking a short story class out at OU this fall. It’s the one I mentioned in the English department, where the professor claimed fantasy and science fiction stories don’t feature complex, compelling characters. Bah. That still makes me angry. I’m going to get myself in trouble in that class if I’m not careful. […]

Write like Your Parents Are Dead

Tweet On Tuesday I wrote a little story about getting my mouth washed out with soap for singing some dirty words. I like that story. It characterizes me pretty clearly in a short scene or two. It also shows the inefficacy of corporal punishment (at least of the soap-based variety), because I’ve grown up to […]

Dirty Words

Tweet 1. I’m starting this week with a story set in our living room sometime last week. It was getting late at the end of a very long, very busy day, and Trish and I were on the two couches in our living room, working on our computers, while Annabelle entertained herself. She wasn’t quite […]

Writing in the Mirror

Tweet I started the week with fond remembrances of cliff-diving without the water. And I started that post with a link back to other stories from my childhood, exploring the far forested acres of my parents’ farm. I blamed the recent nostalgia on my childhood buddy Josh, for mentioning some of those stories on Facebook, […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from My Writer’s Tribe, Redux

Two days ago, seven Consortium writers gathered in Aaron’s living room to roundtable edit each other’s short story submissions for the upcoming Consortium Worlds, Vol. 1 e-zine. I probably don’t have to tell you how apprehensive I was, going into that meeting…

On Scheduling: Fall 2011

Tweet As you’re well aware, I’m halfway through my pursuit of a Master of Professional Writing degree at the University of Oklahoma. My classes start tomorrow. But I was on campus yesterday running hither and yon, signing up for tutorial time with the chair of my graduate committee, applying for a two-hundred-dollar parking pass, and […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Being a Business

Today’s rant is brought to you by my most recent realization: namely, that I don’t want to be a business. I am a writer. Hear me ROAR.