Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tweet 1. I’m starting this week with a story set in our living room sometime last week. It was getting late at the end of a very long, very busy day, and Trish and I were on the two couches in our living room, working on our computers, while Annabelle entertained herself. She wasn’t quite […]
Tweet Yesterday I didn’t show up to work until after lunch. I was really dragging, too. I wandered down the row between offices and cubicles, waving a half-hearted response to my coworkers’ enthusiastic greetings. I made my way to my desk, fell into my chair, and then started reading office email. It wasn’t terribly interesting. […]
Tweet Way back in January I talked a little bit about playing karate with my little girl. At the time I had all kinds of things to say about her learning respect and trust and large motor skills all in one little activity. At the time, I referred to it as one of her favorite […]
Tweet Last week Trish went to book club which meant that, for just one evening, I had to watch the kids all by myself. It was terrifying. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my kids. They’re astonishingly smart and absolutely adorable, and I have a lot of fun playing with them when I get […]
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tweet I’ve got a nephew with Sensory Deprivation Disorder. It’s an uncommon phenomenon, and a strange one at that. Basically (as I understand it), his body has trouble recognizing the physical impact of his environment. That kinda sounds like the making of a sci-fi novel, or like some dreadful problem. It’s really not that bad. […]
Tweet I’ve made no secret around here of my struggles with social anxiety. I’ve made some major strides in the last year, but I’ve still got some work to do. And, even once that’s done, I’ll always be an introvert. That means I have trouble in highly social situations. Even when they’re fun, and packed […]
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tweet I’m a big believer in prewriting. I design my stories, building them with care before I even start writing. Somebody once said even the best battle plan only lasts until the first shot is fired (or something to that effect). It certainly applies to writing. Stories change in the telling. It’s just part of […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Courtney Cantrell, Creative Writing, Daily Writing, Marble Statue, NaNoWriMo, Plot, Prewriting, Storytelling, The Human Condition, Trish Pogue, Unstressed Syllables
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tweet As my sister so kindly pointed out, I’ve fallen a bit behind on the blog posts lately. And that’s after cutting my weekly commitment by half. I still mostly blame schoolwork, but that’s really just my temporary excuse. Give me a week, and I’ll be able to blame NaNoWriMo for a full month. After […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Blogging, Carlos Velez, Creative Writing, Dallas Cowboys, Julie Velez, NaNoWriMo, Plot, Prewriting, Scene List, Shawn McElroy, Storytelling, Synopsis, The Consortium, Toby Nance, Tony Romo, Trish Pogue, Unstressed Syllables, Writing Exercise, Xander Pogue
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Tweet As I’m sure all three-year-olds do, our precious little Annabelle has an incredible imagination, and she puts it to great use. As a storyteller, of course, I’ve cherished every moment of that. Or…well, nearly all of them. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here, but one of my proudest moments as a father […]
Filed in For School, For Work
Also tagged Alexander Lewis, Character, Document Formatting, Document Layout, Document Metadata, Publication, Storytelling, Technical Writing, Trish Pogue, Writing Software
Tweet I’ve used today’s photo before, but it’s so adorable I just had to drag it out again. That’s not the only reason, of course. It’s also incredibly appropriate to the story I want to tell. I don’t know if it’s readily apparent in that image, but we were building a fort in that photo. […]
Filed in For School, For Work
Also tagged Alan Pogue, Document Formatting, Document Structure, Josh Barbee, Publication, Randy Dunn, Shannon Iverson, Technical Writing, Trish Pogue, Writing Software