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Tag Archives: Courtney Cantrell

The Trial of the ARCs

Tweet As of yesterday afternoon, all the Advance Reading Copies of The Dragonswarm have been sent. Thanks to everyone who requested one! I can’t wait to get your feedback. Encouraging Comments I’ve already heard from one satisfied customer. He must have read the book straight-through from the moment he received his email, because before I […]

Writing to the Deadline (A Dragonswarm Update)

Tweet I’m a huge fan of GMail. Have I ever mentioned that before? I know I’ve talked about Google Docs, and you can probably take it for granted that anyone who raves about Google Docs appreciates the company’s email service, too. Still. I’m a huge fan of GMail. I never delete anything. Everything goes in […]

A Consortium of Worlds

Tweet I posted yesterday to complain about how busy I was. It’ll probably take me weeks to show up and post again, but in the meantime I wanted to brag about a couple of those projects that did get finished: A Consortium of Worlds A Consortium of Worlds is the new quarterly speculative-fiction short story […]

Sex and Violence

Tweet I started the week talking about my short story class, and some of the challenges that come with providing feedback to our peers. The worst of it was talking about a sex scene buried in one of the many stories we’ve read so far. And, mostly, it was a whole lot of worrying over […]

On Backstory: Cut the Prologue

Tweet On Tuesday I told a little story about showing up at work late on a Monday, then I flashed back to a fun weekend with friends, then I skipped to the middle and told a sad little story about my girl’s first day at school. I was playing with narrative chronology. My inspiration for […]

On Superhero Fantasy: My Fantasy Problem

Tweet A long time ago, my friend Dan and I got together to brainstorm a fantasy series. We did it for a handful of reasons (most of which weren’t mentioned in that article). I saw an opportunity to work on an exciting new writing project with an old friend. Dan saw an opportunity to fix […]

On Bookselling: Looking for Trends

Tweet So! I told you Tuesday about my meteoric rise to bestseller status at Amazon. I showed you a screenshot of Taming Fire contending with Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson for the rank of 82. I told you about the productivity-killing curse of ever-changing sales numbers, and that I was over and done with it. […]

On Bookselling: Distraction

Tweet This year I’ve missed a lot of blog posts. I missed some because I was so busy with school work. I missed some because I was so miserably sick. And I missed some because I was so frantic finishing up novels or promoting them to an oblivious public. I’ve had lots of good reasons […]

On Self-Publishing: Contagion

Tweet There’s a bug that’s been going around recently. As a matter of fact, there’s two. The first is a summer cold. An upper respiratory virus. Nothing terrifying or crippling, but just enough to take a man down for six to ten days. In this case, the grown man was me. That’s only a small […]

On Storytelling Terminology: Covershoot

Tweet Last week I half-apologized for a temporary and unexpected hiatus due to my busy schedule, and then it went and got busier. The weekend featured the first major event by my publishing-company-slash-engine-for-world-change, the Consortium. You can read a summary of the event that I wrote for the official page, but you’ll get a clearer […]