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Tag Archives: The Writing Life

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Published, Redux

You want to write a novel? Here is the only way you’ll get what you want….

A Works-in-Progress Update

Tweet WHAT?! NO WILAWriTWE?!? That’s right, my dear inklings. Today, I shall give you a work(s)-in-progress update, which, if my calculations search functions are correct, I have not done since February. Fortunately for us all, a WsIP update also qualifies as a WILAWriTWe, because part of learning about writing includes all the doings of The […]

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from The Consortium

Aaron’s new release and my final draft completion have me thinking airy thoughts about publication and book sales and promotion and what-hast-thou. Accordingly, I’ve been keeping an eye on our sales numbers…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Dean Koontz. Again.

Tweet This week’s WILAWriTWe is brought to you by my bookshelf that broke during the move. Some poor soul had leaned it up against the side of the truck, that it might be loaded thereonto — when lo! behold! a gust of wind blew the bookshelf over, smashing it into smithereens upon the pavement! Okay, […]

What I Learned about Writing This Week…from WILAWritWe

I’ve learned that I glean inspiration from about a kajillion more sources than I ever thought I did. To celebrate this cramazing realization, I shall now share with you a list (with headings, sha-ZAM!) of WILAWriTWe inspirations.

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Published

Two days ago, Becca and I made a trip to the salt plains of Oklahoma to scout out likely locations for my cover art photoshoot.
It was an adventure, and we found some likely spots, but I won’t regale you with that tale. Right now, the adventure is beside the point. The point, my dear inklings, is that now my worries have set in…

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Getting Edited

Tweet Ohhhh, my dear inklings. I did a scary, scary thing. I let go of my baby, my precious, my sweet toddling kiddo. I sent my tender little one out into the world, went back into the comfort of my home, and closed the door. And then, I sat back and waited in agony. What […]

What I Learned about Writing this Week…from Stephenie Meyer, Redux

If you peruse the articles in which Aaron and I reference Stephenie Meyer, you might pick up on the fact that neither of us are necessarily favorably disposed toward her writing. Neither of us, however, has gone into much detail on the basis of our opinion. I, for my part, am about to change that.

What I Learned about Writing This Week…from Taking a Shower

Sometimes, a writer’s just gotta get clean. Sometimes, fellow writers, what we need is a shower.

What I Learned About Writing This Week…from Twitter

I follow several writers on Twitter, and because I’m a fiend for collecting quotes, I’ve discovered Twitter’s a source for oodles and gobs of great writing material. I would be remiss in my responsibilities if I didn’t share some of that goboodled wealth with my precious inklings! So here ya go…