Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tweet WHAT?! NO WILAWriTWE?!? That’s right, my dear inklings. Today, I shall give you a work(s)-in-progress update, which, if my calculations search functions are correct, I have not done since February. Fortunately for us all, a WsIP update also qualifies as a WILAWriTWe, because part of learning about writing includes all the doings of The […]
Filed in For Fun
Tagged A Consortium of Worlds, Aaron Pogue, Consortium Books, Cover art, E-magazine, Editing, Jessie Sanders, Shadows After Midnight, Short Stories, The Consortium, The Dragonswarm, The Writing Business, The Writing Life, WILAWriTWe, Writer's Tribe
Tweet Once upon a time, I was a boy with nothing to do but explore the worlds I found in my imagination, and decorate them with little bits of mundane reality. I lived for free time and fairy tales. That doesn’t really narrow the context at all, does it? Very well. Let’s say once upon […]
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tweet I know I said Tuesday that I’d probably be dropping down to one post a week now that school has started, but that wasn’t a promise. Just my expectation. Besides, today’s isn’t really a post. It’s a quick question (although it could have ramifications for Posts of Thursdays Future). See, my reasoning for cutting […]
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Two days ago, seven Consortium writers gathered in Aaron’s living room to roundtable edit each other’s short story submissions for the upcoming Consortium Worlds, Vol. 1 e-zine. I probably don’t have to tell you how apprehensive I was, going into that meeting…
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Aaron Pogue, Abbott and Costello, Bailey Thomas, Becca J. Campbell, Consortium Books, Consortium Time, Creative Writing, Editing, Feedback, Firefly, Jessie Sanders, Joshua Unruh, Roundtable, Short Stories, Thomas Beard, WILAWriTWe, Writer's Tribe
Tweet As you’re well aware, I’m halfway through my pursuit of a Master of Professional Writing degree at the University of Oklahoma. My classes start tomorrow. But I was on campus yesterday running hither and yon, signing up for tutorial time with the chair of my graduate committee, applying for a two-hundred-dollar parking pass, and […]
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Blogging, Creative Writing, Federal Express, Johnny Cass and the Castle in Catoosa, Master of Professional Writing, NaNoWriMo, Prewriting, Short Stories, Storytelling, Taming Fire, The Consortium, The Dragonprince, The Dragonswarm, Unstressed Syllables
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Aaron’s new release and my final draft completion have me thinking airy thoughts about publication and book sales and promotion and what-hast-thou. Accordingly, I’ve been keeping an eye on our sales numbers…
Tweet I’ve got a lot of brothers-in-law. I have two sisters, both married, so that gives me two. My wife has two brothers, too, so that brings me up to four. My wife also has three sisters, all of whom are married, for a grand total of seven brothers-in-law. One of my sisters is married […]
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tweet Mr. Stephen King and Mr. Peter Straub, that is. These two gentlemen co-wrote a couple books, if you didn’t know. And I’m currently enjoying the second of that couple most muchly, yup. The first, The Talisman, I read years and years ago. So, before I started this new read, I hied myself to my […]
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Active and Passive Voice, Adverbs, Amazon, Black House, Descriptive Language, Detective mystery, Fantasy, Homer, Jack Sawyer, Joshua Unruh, Mythology, Narrative and Exposition, Peter Straub, Point of View, Sci-fi, Stephen King, The Talisman, Thriller, WILAWriTWe
Tweet On Tuesday I told a little story about showing up at work late on a Monday, then I flashed back to a fun weekend with friends, then I skipped to the middle and told a sad little story about my girl’s first day at school. I was playing with narrative chronology. My inspiration for […]
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Courtney Cantrell, Joshua Unruh, Narrative Chronology, Prologues, Robert Jordan, Stieg Larsson, Taming Fire, Terry Pratchett, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Triad
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Today’s rant is brought to you by my most recent realization: namely, that I don’t want to be a business. I am a writer. Hear me ROAR.
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Amanda Hocking, Business Plan, Creative Writing, Herman Melville, Indie publishing, Kindle Publishing, Moby Dick, NY Times, Peter Frampton, Platform and Promotion, The Consortium, The Human Condition, WILAWriTWe