Tweet On Tuesday I interrupted a three-week introduction to the Kindle publishing phenomenon for a case study near and dear to our hearts: Courtney Cantrell’s Kindle publishing success story. Now, admittedly she’s no Hocking yet. She’s a success regardless. She has already sold well beyond her immediate circle of friends and family, and even out […]
Tweet Tonight is the official launch party for our own Courtney Cantrell’s Colors of Deception. If you’re in the Oklahoma City area, come join us at Vintage Timeless Coffee to celebrate her success. And, remarkably, it’s already success. Even though the launch party is tonight, the book has been officially “launched” for a week now. […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Amazon, Colors of Deception, Consortium Books, Courtney Cantrell, Gods Tomorrow, Goodreads, Joshua Unruh, Kindle, Kindleboards, Platform and Promotion, Random House
Tweet This week I’m continuing my series on Kindle publishing with a look at the credibility issues associated with self-publishing. Yesterday I talked about the perspectives of publishers (who hate it, with dollar signs in their eyes) and readers (who really don’t care where a book comes from, as long as it looks and reads […]
Tweet Last week I started this series on Kindle publishing with a look at some of its biggest players (Konrath, Hocking, and Eisler), and then spent a while discussing the technological changes that have made this publishing revolution possible. But even with the technological shift well and firmly established, there’s another shift that has to […]
Tweet In the midst of all this talk about the Kindle publishing explosion, I get to take a break to provide one more case study. She’s no Konrath or Eisler or Hocking (yet), but our own Courtney Cantrell has become a part of the phenomenon. Or perhaps I should say we’ve made her a part […]
Tweet Yesterday’s post introduced three major case studies in Kindle publishing. Each of them came from a different background, and each approached (or is now approaching) Kindle publishing for different reasons. Measuring a Writer’s Success The largest thing the three share in common is success. All three have reached a lot of new readers though Kindle […]
Tweet I started the week with a brief introduction to a long series on Kindle publishing. I finished that introduction with the promise of some case studies. If you’re at all familiar with Kindle publishing or the indie publishing “scene” that’s developing even as we speak, you probably could have guessed at least two of […]
Tweet In January of 2011, I started taking a class called “Readings in Mass Communication” in pursuit of my Master of Professional Writing degree at the University of Oklahoma. It’s an interdisciplinary theory course that combines lectures and select readings in the academic literature to explore the changing role of mass communication in society, its […]
Tweet This week I’m describing how Consortium Books makes books. In yesterday’s post I talked about the setup — acquisitions, editing, layout, and design. Today I want to talk about production and distribution. Publishing In the olden days, the “publishing” bit involved taking an edited manuscript, typesetting it, offsetting it, then running tens of thousands […]
Tweet I started the week with the story of the evolution of Unstressed Syllables — which was significantly driven by the birth of Consortium Books — and ended that post with the promise that I’d tell you how Consortium Books does what it does. I’m dividing that into two parts: “Making It Pretty” and “Getting […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Amy Nickerson, Becca J. Campbell, Carlos Velez, Chicago Manual of Style, Consortium Books, Courtney Cantrell, Editing, Feedback, Jessie Sanders, Joshua Unruh, Julie Velez