Tweet Yesterday’s post on the narrative difference between conflict and adversity ended with some specific advice: Avoid adversity by putting malicious cause behind your protagonist’s setbacks. The best way to do that is to make your antagonist responsible, but sometimes it can be a challenge to follow through on that. The trick is to manage […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Creative Writing, Deborah Chester, Document Structure, Hidden Story, Master of Professional Writing, Plot, Prewriting, Storytelling, Teaching, Tips and Tricks, Writing Exercise
Tweet At long last, I’m going to fulfill a promise made weeks ago. I’m going to teach you some storytelling terminology. As I admitted to Joshua Unruh yesterday, I tend to work off a couple different writing glossaries that use some overlapping but non-identical terms. That means when I say “plot point” in one context […]
Tweet Last week I half-apologized for a temporary and unexpected hiatus due to my busy schedule, and then it went and got busier. The weekend featured the first major event by my publishing-company-slash-engine-for-world-change, the Consortium. You can read a summary of the event that I wrote for the official page, but you’ll get a clearer […]
Tweet Tonight is the official launch party for our own Courtney Cantrell’s Colors of Deception. If you’re in the Oklahoma City area, come join us at Vintage Timeless Coffee to celebrate her success. And, remarkably, it’s already success. Even though the launch party is tonight, the book has been officially “launched” for a week now. […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Amazon, Colors of Deception, Consortium Books, Courtney Cantrell, Gods Tomorrow, Goodreads, Kindle, Kindleboards, Platform and Promotion, Publication, Random House
Tweet In the midst of all this talk about the Kindle publishing explosion, I get to take a break to provide one more case study. She’s no Konrath or Eisler or Hocking (yet), but our own Courtney Cantrell has become a part of the phenomenon. Or perhaps I should say we’ve made her a part […]
Tweet This week I’m describing how Consortium Books makes books. In yesterday’s post I talked about the setup — acquisitions, editing, layout, and design. Today I want to talk about production and distribution. Publishing In the olden days, theĀ “publishing” bit involved taking an edited manuscript, typesetting it, offsetting it, then running tens of thousands […]
Tweet I started the week with the story of the evolution of Unstressed Syllables — which was significantly driven by the birth of Consortium Books — and ended that post with the promise that I’d tell you how Consortium Books does what it does. I’m dividing that into two parts: “Making It Pretty” and “Getting […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Amy Nickerson, Becca J. Campbell, Carlos Velez, Chicago Manual of Style, Consortium Books, Courtney Cantrell, Editing, Feedback, Jessie Sanders, Julie Velez, Publication
Tweet You almost certainly already know this about me, but I’m a captain of industry. I’m a prince of the new media. I’m a president, CEO, and executive director of a small business registered with the State of Oklahoma (national tax exempt status…pending). I’m talking about the Consortium, a cooperative of artists dedicated to an […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Becca J. Campbell, Colors of Deception, Courtney Cantrell, Ed Cantrell, Editing, Ghost Targets: Expecation, Gods Tomorrow, Jessie Sanders, Publication, Sean Sanders, Taming Fire, The Consortium, Trish Pogue
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tweet On Tuesday, I published the second book in my series. I posted the same little sales blurb in half a dozen different places, but around here I gave a little something extra. I told you about the process of writing the series, and my plans going forward. That’s not necessarily something I talk about […]
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
When we writers mention “social writing,” what we think we mean is getting together to encourage each other and spend several hours working on our projects in the same location, one which most likely involves food and copious amounts of coffee. But “social writing” consists of far more than that…
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Aaron Pogue, Coffee, Epic, Fantasy, Ghost Targets: Expectation, Jessie Sanders, JT Hackett, Mashup novels, Polish pottery, Roadrunner cartoons, Social Writing, The Consortium, Thomas Beard, trib, Weird Western, WILAWriTWe, Wile E. Coyote, Writer's Tribe