Tweet It seems I owe you an apology. I’ve been absent. I could offer the frantic bustle of the holiday season as my defense, but that’s not really it. Honestly…I didn’t realize I had let the blog lapse. I’ve been conscientiously working to improve my presence on social media in general (primarily through Twitter and […]
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tweet In case you didn’t already know, The Dragonswarm is now available! You can find it at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. These are currently just the digital editions, but the paperback should be available some time next week. I’ll let you know when that happens. Status Update I know a lot of you are […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Barnes and Noble, Becca J. Campbell, BookMaker, Consortium Books, Daniel Lunsford, KickStarter, Kindle, Publication, Taming Fire, The Consortium, The Dragonswarm, Toby Nance
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tweet Lately I’ve been talking the hard numbers of indie publishing. I shared a sales chart last week showing the rise and fall of my bestselling fantasy novel Taming Fire and discussing some of the factors that drove those trends. Then on Tuesday I took a little pause to tell you about my charitable publishing […]
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tweet Last week I left you hanging with the promise of a sad story and some detailed sales analysis. I know you’ve just been waiting on the edge of your seat ever since. Well…I’m more than a week late with the follow-up, but it kind of works out. Because I’m late, I can share all […]
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tweet I just realized I haven’t been talking about Taming Fire much recently. Well…not here. I can already hear Courtney and Joshua guffawing that I even dared to say that, because I talk about almost nothing else in real life. But somehow it hasn’t shown up much on the blog. That’s pretty odd. I’m going […]
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tweet Mr. Stephen King and Mr. Peter Straub, that is. These two gentlemen co-wrote a couple books, if you didn’t know. And I’m currently enjoying the second of that couple most muchly, yup. The first, The Talisman, I read years and years ago. So, before I started this new read, I hied myself to my […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Active and Passive Voice, Adverbs, Black House, Descriptive Language, Detective mystery, Fantasy, Homer, Jack Sawyer, Joshua Unruh, Mythology, Narrative and Exposition, Peter Straub, Point of View, Sci-fi, Stephen King, The Talisman, Thriller, WILAWriTWe
Tweet This week I’m talking about turning Kindle-published books into bestsellers. I’ve done it, and I’m sharing some secrets to how you can, too. Essentially, they boil down to this: Get really lucky, and watch in astonishment as your numbers start to climb. Of course, if I really felt that way, I wouldn’t be writing […]
Tweet This year I’ve missed a lot of blog posts. I missed some because I was so busy with school work. I missed some because I was so miserably sick. And I missed some because I was so frantic finishing up novels or promoting them to an oblivious public. I’ve had lots of good reasons […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Colors of Deception, Courtney Cantrell, Ghost Targets: Expectation, Gods Tomorrow, Kindle Publishing, Platform and Promotion, Public Domain, Publication, Storytelling, Taming Fire, Unstressed Syllables
Tweet I lived in Wichita, KS, for six years while I was growing up. That’s where I attended middle school and high school. That’s where I wrote my first fantasy story, and my first (terrible) novel. That’s where I met my wife. That’s where I made most of the friends who have shaped my life […]
Tweet On Tuesday I interrupted a three-week introduction to the Kindle publishing phenomenon for a case study near and dear to our hearts: Courtney Cantrell’s Kindle publishing success story. Now, admittedly she’s no Hocking yet. She’s a success regardless. She has already sold well beyond her immediate circle of friends and family, and even out […]