Two days ago, Becca and I made a trip to the salt plains of Oklahoma to scout out likely locations for my cover art photoshoot.
It was an adventure, and we found some likely spots, but I won’t regale you with that tale. Right now, the adventure is beside the point. The point, my dear inklings, is that now my worries have set in…
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Aaron Pogue, Becca J. Campbell, Carlos Velez, Colors of Deception, Cover art, CreateSpace, Creative Writing, Editing, Fear, Great Salt Plains, Indie publishing, Julie Velez, Kindle, Saltmarch, The Pool, The Writing Life, Turner Falls, WILAWriTWe
Tweet In the fall of 2009, I started a grand experiment. The English department at my alma mater lost their Tech Writing professor at the last minute, and the chair of the department asked me to step in and teach the class for a semester. I agreed, and then scrambled to put together a lesson […]
Tweet I’ve spent a couple weeks now talking about self-publishing. This week I promised to talk about my actual experiences with the process, and so I started that yesterday with a little bit of a grumpy glimpse into CreateSpace’s print-on-demand operation. I still use CreateSpace, though, and I still recommend it. You should go in […]
Tweet As promised, I’m going to tell you how we actually go about publishing a book to Amazon. I’ll save some of the “how to” aspect of it for next week, when I discuss Consortium Books processes. First, I want to describe some of my experiences with the distributors. It might help to briefly explain […]
Tweet You almost certainly already know this about me, but I’m a captain of industry. I’m a prince of the new media. I’m a president, CEO, and executive director of a small business registered with the State of Oklahoma (national tax exempt status…pending). I’m talking about the Consortium, a cooperative of artists dedicated to an […]
Filed in For Fun
Also tagged Becca J. Campbell, Colors of Deception, Courtney Cantrell, Ed Cantrell, Editing, Ghost Targets: Expecation, Gods Tomorrow, Jessie Sanders, Joshua Unruh, Sean Sanders, Taming Fire, The Consortium, Trish Pogue
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tweet I’m a week late posting this, and you’ve all got my apologies for that. I ended last week’s conversation on self-publishing with Thursday’s claim that it’s an author’s responsibility today to learn the hard work of publishing. Here’s the thing: it’s tough work. I’m a week late posting this because I’ve been in a […]
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tweet On Tuesday, I published the second book in my series. I posted the same little sales blurb in half a dozen different places, but around here I gave a little something extra. I told you about the process of writing the series, and my plans going forward. That’s not necessarily something I talk about […]
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tweet First things first, I need to take care of a little business. You might have already seen this on one of my other sites, but I’ve got three significantly different audiences across all three and, y’know, I really need to let all of them know. After all, it’s a good book. You should read […]
Friday, February 11, 2011
Tweet This week has been a lot of talk about surprises, whether it’s the unexpected catastrophes that derailed both of my meticulously-planned covershoots so far, or the sudden and unfortunate realization a week before a book is supposed to go to press that it has a gaping flaw in one of the most important scenes. […]
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tweet I started the week with the story of my two novels: Gods Tomorrow and Ghost Targets: Expectation (in stores February 15th!). Specifically, I talked about the covershoots for both books, and the surprises they held for us. Those little surprises are pretty troubling, especially when the book is so close to being published, but […]