Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Many moons ago — before Facebook became open to the general public, when “twitterpated” was still a Bambi and not a social networking reference, and before YouTube made movie stars out of all of us — I started a blog. I don’t remember why I did it. I plunged into writing my first post without giving it any real thought before I started. I hadn’t the foggiest idea what I was doing…
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Bambi, Blogging, Court Can Write, Creative Writing, Editing, Facebook, Html, Marble Statue, Perfectionism, Robert A. Heinlein, SexyBookmarks, Social Networking, Star Wars, Twitter, Twitterpated, Unstressed Syllables, WILAWriTWe, YouTube
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tweet In the fall of 2010, by decree of my graduate advisor and in support of my pursuit of the Master of Professional Writing degree at the University of Oklahoma, I was required to take the “elective” course Category Fiction. I was less than thrilled. From the course description it was clearly a lecture-based, informational […]
Tweet Yesterday I laid out my plan for a collaborative writing project based on some prewriting packages. Today, I’d like to talk about those packages. The Civilization Book This one actually started as a suggestion from Toby. It’s not a new idea, but it’s a fun idea, and it could give rise to something very […]
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Collaborative Writing, Creative Writing, Drafts, Federal Express, Heather Sutherlin, Johnny Cass and the Castle in Catoosa, Prewriting, Publication, Rewriting, Storytelling, The Civilization Book
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tweet I started the week with the story of my lonely, zombie Christmas. Some of you might have guessed where the series was going based on comments I’ve made before — that writing is a really lonely profession. More of you might have figured it out by looking at the series title, “On Collaborative Writing.” […]
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sometimes, a writer’s just gotta get clean. Sometimes, fellow writers, what we need is a shower.
Tweet I’ve made no secret around here of my struggles with social anxiety. I’ve made some major strides in the last year, but I’ve still got some work to do. And, even once that’s done, I’ll always be an introvert. That means I have trouble in highly social situations. Even when they’re fun, and packed […]
Filed in For Fun
Tagged Alexander Lewis, Annabelle Grace, Christmas, Collaborative Writing, Creative Writing, It's a Wonderful Life, Social Anxiety, Storytelling, The Human Condition, Trish Pogue, Zombieland