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Tag Archives: Unstressed Syllables

I Am a Writer (Technical Writing Exercise)

Write up a short autobiography of you as a writer (300-900 words). Make it three sections, with appropriate headings, and generally answer the questions above. Tell us where you’re coming from, so we can better help you get where you need to be.

Introductions Are in Order

Tweet Or perhaps I should call it a Character Description. Whatever the case, I’m proud to announce’s newest contributing author, Courtney Cantrell. Courtney is the co-creator of our Facebook writer’s group, Mightier than the Sword, and one of my dear friends. Though we’d run in overlapping social circles for years, I met her through […]

Stressed and Unstressed Syllables

There are basically two standard ways of indicating stressed syllables: by adding a vertical stress mark after each stressed syllable, or by making each stressed syllable bold or UPPERCASE (or BOTH). You can see an example of the stress marks at, and you can see an example of the bold syllable at

Weekly Writing Exercises

Our first writing exercises focus on the Christmas holidays! Head over to the new forums to write a fake complaint letter to Santa Claus, or practice with point of view by writing a blog post about Christmas from someone else’s perspective.

What’s in a Name?

Tweet I have just made the startling discovery that I can turn you into a better writer. As you may have seen in my About page, I’ve recently become a Technical Writing professor. There’s an old saying some of you are probably already thinking about that goes, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” […]