Courtney Cantrell, contributing editor
Or perhaps I should call it a Character Description.
Whatever the case, I’m proud to announce UnstressedSyllables.com’s newest contributing author, Courtney Cantrell.
Courtney is the co-creator of our Facebook writer’s group, Mightier than the Sword, and one of my dear friends. Though we’d run in overlapping social circles for years, I met her through her private blog over on Blogger. Like me, she is an English / Writing Major from Oklahoma Christian University, and a long-time novelist.
Her art is achingly beautiful, her poetry is sometimes touching (always compelling), and her prose will make you sit up and pay attention. Her Triad series, in particular, is among the best traditional fantasy literature I’ve ever read (published or not).
All that to recommend her, and she’s agreed to help teach you for free. Count yourself lucky!
Courtney’s going to start off with a new weekend feature, “What I Learned about Writing this Week,” and also share some of her experiences as a full-time creative writer in her own articles. Please extend her as generous a welcome as you’ve given me, and let us both know what you think of her contribution to the site. I’m confident you’ll find it amazing.
Photo credit Courtney Cantrell.
I’m really excited! seriously, this makes me really happy! Welcome Courtney!
Thanks, Carlos! I’m fairly excited, myself. This promises to be quite the fun romp, I dare say! ;oD