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Tag Archives: Chronology

Organize Your Ideas

Tweet About a year ago my wife informed me we were going to have a second child. It was something we’d been talking about for a little while, but then in an instant it became real. Immediately my heart was flooded with one, overwhelming emotion. I looked my wife in the eyes and said tenderly, […]

Dream Sequence (Creative Writing Exercise)

Tweet This week I talked about document structure and got into detail on chronology and point of view, and now it’s time to stop talking and start doing. Your assignment this week is to write out a dream sequence. Of your own. This should be as close to non-fiction as you can manage. If at […]

Simplify Your Storytelling

Tweet I’ve got a couple really simple rules for most of the new writers that I work with: tell your story from start to finish, and tell it from the narrator’s point of view. That sounds obvious, right? Well you’d be amazed how much my writers hate to hear it. My dad wrote his first […]